Adding students/clients with the same email address

Adding students/clients with the same email address

On Ubindi, each student needs to have their own account and their own email address. A student can't register other people for classes. One person = one account = one email address.

However, we understand that in some cases this can cause complications, for example in the case of parents who need to register multiple children to a class. 

Here's a workaround to let your clients create a second account (for example for a child or family member) using an email address that is already associated with a Ubindi account.

They can create what is called 'an alias email' for the second account. Sounds complicated but it's in fact very, very easy.

This works in many email clients (but not all). It works for Gmail, iCloud/Apple, Outlook, and Hotmail. 

Here's how to create an alias email: 

An alias email is just a regular email address with a special format: "+aliasname" before @ 
For example if your email address is 
You can make an alias like this

You can use any characters between the + and the @ 
You don't need to set up anything outside of this modifier to do this.
Any emails sent to the alias email will go to the normal email inbox.

This alias email can be used by students to create a second account on Ubindi (by signing up in the regular way). To sign in to that second account, your student will need to use the alias email to login. 

You (the teacher) can also use the alias email to add a student to your student list — it will behave in the exact same way as any other student on your list. 

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