Instructions for students: joining an online class

Instructions for students: joining an online class

A note on browsers: Ubindi doesn't work well with the Microsoft Edge browser. If you're using Edge, please accept our apologies. You'll need to use any other browser.

If your class is on Zoom

Almost all teachers are using Zoom to conduct their online classes. If you're not sure, you should probably assume that your class will be happening on Zoom.

If Zoom is a new thing for you, you should create a Zoom account and install the Zoom application on your computer or device well before you try to join your first class. We also strongly recommend that you are logged in to your Zoom account before you try to join your class from Ubindi. This will ensure a seamless experience!

Joining an online class

After registering for an online class, you will receive a confirmation email that looks like this:

If you don’t see this email in your normal inbox, please check your spam folder. If you do find it there, please move it out of spam so it gets into your regular inbox next time!

You'll also receive a very similar reminder email 15 minutes before the beginning of class. 

15 minutes before class starts, open either the class confirmation or reminder email, and click the big green button: 'Join class here'. You'll be taken straight to your teachers class (on Zoom, or wherever else it's happening).

The button stays active for the duration of the class, so if you lose the connection and need to rejoin class, simply click the button in either of the emails again. 

If you're early

The button in either the confirmation or reminder emails you received only works 15 minutes before class, not earlier. If you click it before that you'll see the following and you'll just need to go back to the email and click the button again, 15 minutes before class starts.  

You can also join class from your teacher's Ubindi page

15 minutes before class starts, simply go to your teacher's Ubindi page, and make sure to log in. Find the class you've registered for and click the 'Join class now' button.

You'll then be taken directly to the class (on Zoom, Google etc) in a new tab on your browser. You may be asked to log in or create and account with that other website (not Ubindi).

If, for some reason, clicking the button doesn't work (perhaps you have a popup blocker enabled?!) you'll see a green message that looks like this, and all you need to do is paste the link into your browser:

If you are logged in, have registered for class already but you don't see the 'Join class now' button, please refresh the page and it should appear (different browsers behave differently). 

If you loose the connection and need to rejoin the class

If for some reason you experience a problem on Zoom, or loose the connection, and you need to rejoin the class, find the class confirmation or reminder email and click the green 'Join class here' button again. This will take you directly back to the class, and you'll be able to rejoin. 

How to 'unregister' from class 

If you can't attend a class you had registered for, 'unregistering' is a nice thing to do, because it frees up a spot for someone else. 

If you registered for the class using a class pass, when you unregister you'll get one class credit back automatically. If you paid for the class in advance, please contact your teacher for a refund (if that's in their policy). 

Here's how to 'unregister' from class:
1. On your teacher's schedule, click on the class you wish to unregistered from. It will open a pop-up with the class details
2. At the bottom left of the pop-up, click the 'going' button
3. Next, you will be asked if you want to cancel your attendance or stay signed up.
4. Click 'cancel me' to unregister from the class.

If you have any trouble, please let us know!  

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