For a quick overview of
how videos work on Ubindi please see here. If you need a detailed 'how-to', you're in the right place! 😀
Quick recap:
Ubindi doesn't host your videos, so there's no "upload" (and no storage limit). Rather, you can host your videos wherever you like (e.g. on YouTube, Vimeo, Zoom — for the nicest experience for your students, we recommend YouTube or Vimeo).
To add a video to your Ubindi offerings, you simply need a link and a bit of information about your video. Ubindi will then handle the "admin" side of things: payments, giving students access, and tracking who has access to a particular video.
Before you go ahead and add your videos to your Ubindi, please make sure that on Vimeo and YouTube, you allow ''embedding" of your video. For each video this will be found under 'settings'.
How to add a video
On your schedule dashboard you have 3 sections: classes, videos and packages. Click on the big orange + button to add a video.
On the first screen, you'll need to add a video title, add a date (videos will be sorted by date), how many minutes the video is, and a description. Once you're done click 'next'.
One the next screen, you'll need to add the link to video (Vimeo, YouTube, zoom etc), set the pricing.
It can be 'fixed price', 'by donation' (only available if you've
enabled payments), or 'no payment' (i.e. free or you don't take payment for it)).
Next add a cost. If your video is free choose 'no payment' and enter 0 in the price field.
Lastly, add a nice image to be used as a thumbnail for your video. Once you're ready click 'next'.
On the last screen, you can connect your video to any of your existing
passes and
subscriptions, and you can decide to make the package required in order to access the video.
Once you're done, click 'save' and ta-dah! Your video is ready to be watched/purchased. This is how your students will see it on your public profile:
How to edit a video
If you need to change anything, go to your video tab on your schedule, and click the 3 little dots at the top right of any of your videos. Select 'edit' and you'll be taken through the set up screens we showed you above where you can change any information and then save.
If you need to change the pass and membership setup for any video, on that same little menu, choose 'set up' to go directly to the step where you can adjust the packages settings for that one video.
How to preview your video
On that same 3 little dots menu, you can also preview your video. If your video is hosted on YouTube or Vimeo, you will see that a player will open directly on Ubindi, and that's how your students will see the video once they get access to it.
The player that opens on Ubindi only works with YouTube and Vimeo. For any other kind of video link (zoom, google drive), instead of the player, your students will be taken directly to the video on a new tab on their device, and then can watch the video there.
This is what the player looks like on Ubindi (minus the lovely deer). It can be set to full screen too, of course.
How to delete a video
In that very same little 3 dots menu shown above, you'll find an option to delete a video. Before you do, you'll see a dialogue asking you to confirm.
On Ubindi videos don't auto-delete (yet): if you add a video that has an expiry date (like a zoom class replay, for example) you'll need to delete it from your Ubindi video library after the expiry period.